Isohedral Tiling Explorer

Young's modulus [Nm-1]
Log plot

Poisson's ratio [-]
Bending stiffness [Nm]
Young's modulus [Nm-1]
Poisson's ratio [-]
Bending stiffness [Nm]


x-axis data:

y-axis data:

color data:

Normalize by relative density

Structure families

Directional structure property data

0.1% strain10% strain0.1m-1 curvature5m-1 curvature
Data Data Data Data
Fit Fit Fit Fit

Structure information


Left click to select single structure
Ctrl + left click to toggle selection

Direct URL


This web-based application allows you to explore the space of isohedral tilings and its mechanical properties. On the left-hand side, you will see a collection of data points, each one representing a single structure. The plot can be zoomed into using the mouse wheel.

When you hover your cursor over such a data point, its mechanical properties and structure will be displayed in the center column. The picture at the bottom, which can be zoomed in using the mouse wheel, shows the structure, while the three polar plots at the top show the directional Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and bending stiffness of the structure. These plots show the mechanical properties of the linear material model fitted at 0.1% and 10% strain (0.1m-1 and 5m-1 curvature for the bending) with light and dark solid lines, respectively. Additionally, the true (simulated) properties are shown with dashed lines.
The various curves can be enabled and disabled using the checkboxes on the right, and the Young's modulus plot can additionally be switched to a logarthmic scale.

On the right-hand column, there are various options to change and adjust the plots:

This application was built using D3.js and lz-string.